Conditions of Borrowing

The books on the list below can be borrowed in room 13a for a period of two weeks. If you want to try reading a book in English and have chosen a title, ask for it by any teacher of English.

Part of the library are also grammar books and books on realia, which can be borrowed for a period of one week on the same conditions.

Start by clicking on one of the following sections:


English Books in Original


– download here in pdf format



Ackroyd, P. Dan Leno & The Limehouse Golem
Adiga, A. The White Tiger
Alcott, L. M. Little Women
Amis, K. Lucky Jim
Amis, M. Time’s Arrow*
Ascherson, N. Black Sea
Austen, J. Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
Northanger Abbey
Auster, P. The New York Trilogy
Bach, R. Jonathan Livingston Seagull*
Bainbridge, B. The Bottle Factory Outing
Baldwin, J. Go Tell It On the Mountain
Barnes, J. Love, etc.
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
The Sense of an Ending
Beckett, S. First Love and Other Novellas*
Bellow, S. Seize the Day
Something to Remember Me By*
Boyne, J. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Brontë, Ch. Jane Eyre
Brontë, E. Wuthering Heights
Brookner, A. Hotel du Lac
Brown, D. The Da Vinci Code
Deception Point
Digital Fortress
Bryson, B. Shakespeare
Notes from a Big Country
Notes from a Small Island
Burgess, A. A Clockwork Orange
Burroughs, W.S. Naked Lunch
Bushnell, C. Trading Up
Caldwell, J. Desperate Voyage
Capote, T. Breakfast at Tiffany’s*
Cather, W. My Ántonia
Chatwin, B. Utz*
Clavell, J. King Rat
Coetzee, J.M. Life and Times of Michael K.
Collins, S. The Hunger Games
Conrad, J. Lord Jim
Cook, R. Vector Contagion
Cooper, J. F. The Last of the Mohicans
Crane, S. The Red Badge of Courage
Cronin, A.J. The Citadel
Cunningham, M. The Hours
Dahl, R. Baby
Going Solo
Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe
DeLillo, D. Cosmopolis
Desai, A. Fasting, Feasting
Dickens, Ch. A Christmas Carol
Oliver Twist
Donoghue, E. Room
Drabble, M. The Radiant Way
Jerusalem the Golden*
duMaurier, D. Rebecca
Eliot, G. Silas Marner
Faulkner, W. As I Lay Dying
Fielding, H. Bridget Jones’s Diary
Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination
Fine, A. Flour Babies
Fitzgerald, F.S. The Great Gatsby
Forester, C.S. Mr Midshipman Hornblower
The Gun
Forster, E.M. Passage to India
Fowles, J. The Collector
Frank, A. Diary of a Young Girl
Frayn, M. Spies
Frazier, Ch. Cold Mountain
Garner, A. Red Shift
Golding, W. Lord of the Flies
Pincher Martin*
The Spire*
Gordimer, N. The World of Strangers
The House Gun
The Pickup
Greene, G. The Quiet American
Groom, W. Forrest Gump
Guterson, D. Snow Falling on Cedars
Hailey, A. Hotel (cassette)*
Airport (cassette)*
Hardy, Th. The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Well-Beloved
Hawthorne, N. The Scarlet Letter
Heller, J. Catch XXII
Hemingway, E. Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Old Man and the Sea
The Essential Hemingway
Hope, A. The Prisoner of Zenda
Hornby, N. About a Boy
How to Be Good
Hosseini, K. And the Mountains Echoed
Hurston, Z. N. Their Eyes Were Watching God
Hustvedt, S. The Sorrows of an American
Huxley, A. The Brave New World*
Irving, J. A Widow for One Year
Ishiguro, K. The Remains of the Day
When We Were Orphans
Never Let Me Go
Jacobson, H. The Finkler Question
James, H. The Turn of the Screw
The Ambassadors
Jerome, Jerome K. Three Men in a Boat
Three Men on a Bummel
Jhabvala, R.P. Heat and Dust
Joyce, J. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Boy
Kerouac, J. On the Road
Maggie Cassidy
Kesey, K. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Keyes, D. Flowers for Algernon
Kipling, R. The Jungle Book
Kneale, M. English Passengers
Kureishi, H. Black Album
Lawrence, D. H. The Rainbow
The Virgin and the Gipsy
Lee, H. To Kill a Mockingbird
le Guin, U. The Farthest Shore
Levin, I. Rosemary’s Baby
Lewis, S. Babbit
Lively, P. Moon Tiger
Lodge, D. The British Museum is Falling Down
London, J. White Fang and The Call of the Wind
The Call of the Wild
MacLaverty, B. Cal*
Mailer, N. Barbary Shore
Deer Park
Malouf, D. Remembering Babylon
Martel, I. The Life of Pi
McCabe, P. Mondo Desperado
McCourt, F. ’Tis
MacDonald, B. Onions in the Stew
McEwan, I. Amsterdam
Melville, H. Billy Bud
Mills, M. The Scheme for Full Unemployment
Morrison, T. The Bluest Eye
A Mercy
Song of Solomon
Nicholls, D. One Day
Ondaatje, M. The English Patient
Anil’s Ghost
Orwell, G. Animal Farm
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Palahniuk, C. Fight Club
Pierre, DBO Vernon God Little
Portis, C. True Grit
Potok, Ch. Chosen
Quick, M. Silver Linings Playbook
Roy, A. The God of Small Things
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye
Saroyan, W. The Human Comedy
Scott, W. Ivanhoe
Sebold, A. The Lovely Bones
Serraillier, I. The Silver Sword
Shelley, M. Frankenstein
Sillitoe, A. The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Runner
Smith, A. Hotel World
Smith, Z. White Teeth
Spark, M. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie*
Memento Mori
Steele, D. Fine Things
Steinbeck, J. Travels with Charlie
The Pearl
Of Mice and Men
Stevenson, R.L. Kidnapped
Treasure Island
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Streatfeild, N. Ballet Shoes
Styron, W. Sophie’s Choice
The Long March
Sutcliff, R. The Eagle of the Ninth
Tan, A. The Joy Luck Club
Tomalin, C. Jane Austen
Treece, H. Hands of the King
The Children’s Crusade
Trollope, J. Friday Nights
Twain, M. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Unsworth, B. Morality Play
Vonnegut, K. Slaughterhouse 5
Wain, J. Hurry On Down
Walker, A. The Color Purple
Waugh, E. Decline and Fall
West, N. The Day of the Locust and The Dream Life of Balso Snell
Wharton, E. Age of Innocence
Wilde, O. The Picture of Dorian Gray
Winterson, J. Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
Woolf, V. Mrs. Dalloway
To the Lighthouse
Zusak, M. The Book Thief



Aesop Aesop’s Fables
Allen, W. Without Feathers
Allende, I. The Stories of Eva Luna
Atwood, M. Murder in the Dark
Bellow, S. Something to Remember Me By*
Chaucer, G. The Canterbury Tales
Chesterton, G. K. Father Brown Stories 1
The Innocence of Father Brown
Conrad, J. Typhoon and Other Stories
Dahl, R. The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories    
Ten Short Stories
Dickens, Ch. Christmas Books
du Maurier, D. The Birds And Other Stories
Fitzgerald, F.S. The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
Gordimer, N. Selected Stories
Hemingway, E. The Essential Hemingway
Joyce, J. Dubliners
Kipling, R. Just So Stories
Lawrence, D.H. The Fox and Other Stories*
London, J. Stories
Malamud, B. The Magic Barrel
Mansfield, K. The Garden Party and Other Stories*
O.Henry Selected Stories
Poe, E.A. Selected Tales
Spirits of the Dead – Tales and Poems
Proulx, A. Brokeback Mountain
Rushdie, S. East – West
Saki The Best of Saki
Phoenix Short Stories
Tobermory and Other Stories
Saroyan, W. My Name is Aram*
Self, W. Grey Area and Other Stories
Swift, G. Learning to Swim
Thurber, J. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Other Fables
Fables for Our Time*
Torday, P. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
Twain, M. The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain
Updike, J. Licks of Love
Wilde, O. The Happy Prince and Other Stories
Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime
The American Short Story
The Penguin Book of American Short Stories*
British Short Stories of Today
The Penguin Book of Modern British Short Stories*
The Penguin Book of English Short Stories*
The Second Penguin Book of English Short Stories*
The Penguin Book of Irish Short Stories*
Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales
Crime Never Pays
A Window on the Universe
Zero Hour and Other Modern Stories
The Eye of Childhood
 And All for Love
 From Cradle to the Grave
More Modern Short Stories
 Science Fiction Stories
 A Seven Seas Sampler



Dahl, R. Revolting Rhymes
Herriot, J. If Only They Could Talk*
It Shouldn’t Happen to a Vet*
Jerome, Jerome K. Three Men in a Boat
Three Men on a Bummel
MacDonald, B. Onions in the Stew
Mikes, G. How to be a Brit
Ross, L.Q. The Education of Hyman Kaplan




Chesterton, G. K. Father Brown Stories 1
Christie, A. The Thirteen Problems
The Seven Dials Mystery
There Is a Tide
Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie
Collins, W. The Moonstone
Connoly, J. Bad Men
Cook, R. Marker
Sir Doyle, A.C. Study in Scarlet
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Fleming, I. Dr No
Live and Let Die
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Forsyth, F. The Fourth Protocol
Francis, D. Rat Race
Field of Thirteen
10-lb Penalty
Odds Against
Gardner, E. S. The Case of the Sleepwalker’s Niece
The Case of the Rolling Bones
The Case of the Silent Partner
The Case of the Caretaker’s Cat
Grisham, J. The Innocent Man
Harris, T. The Silence of the Lambs
Laurie, H. The Gun Seller
le Carré, J. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Ludlum, R. The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supermacy
Marsh, N. Scales of Justice
McCall Smith, M. The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency
Puzo, M. The Sicilian
Rendell, R. Live Flesh




Adams, D. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Life, Universe and Everything
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Asimov, I. The Complete Stories, Volume I
Bradbury, R. Fahrenheit 451
Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia
Martin, G.R.R. A Game of Thrones
Pratchett, T. Going Postal (CD)
Monstrous Regiment
Thud! (CD)
. Witches Abroad
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings
Tales from the Perilous Realm
Wyndham, J. The Day of the Triffids
anthology Science Fiction Stories



Blake, W. Selected Poems
Burns, R. Selected Poems
Byron, G.G. Selections
Dahl, R. Revolting Rhymes
Erdrich, L. Jacklight
Frost, R. The Road Not Taken
Ginsberg, A. Howl and Other Poems
Shakespeare, W. Complete Sonnets
Whitman, W. Leaves of Grass
Selected Poems
Wilde, O. The Ballad of the Reading Gaol
anthologies: Poetry Please!
modern love




Albee, E. Delicate Balance
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Allen, W. Without Feathers
Beckett, S. Waiting for Godot
Endgame and Act Without Words
Bond, E. Bingo
Friel, B. Translations
Guirgis, S.A. The Last Days of Judas Ischriot
Horovitz, I. Hopscotch & The 57th*
Kane, S. Complete Plays
Jones, LeRoi Dutchman and The Slave
Mamet, D. Oleanna
Marber, P. Closer
Miller, A. The Crucible
Death of a Salesman
Norman, M. ’Night, Mother
O’Casey, S. Three Plays
O’Neill, E. Long Day’s Journey Into Night
Three Plays
Osborne, J. Look Back in Anger
Pinter, H. The Birthday Party*
Rapp, A. Red Light Winter
Shaffer, P. Amadeus
Shakespeare, W. Coriolanus
King Lear
Measure for Measure
Much Ado about Nothing
Romeo and Juliet
The Merchant of Venice
The Winter’s Tale
Shaw, G.B. Pygmalion
Saint Joan
Stoppard, T. Rock’n’Roll
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead*
Every Good Boy Deserves Favour and Professional Fowl
Thomas, D. Under Milk Wood*
Wesker, A. The Wesker Trilogy
Wilde, O. The Importance of Being Earnest
An Ideal Husband
Wilder, Th. Our Town, The Skin of Our Teeth, The Matchmaker
Williams, T. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Other Plays*
The Glass Menagerie
A Streetcar Named Desire
Wilson, A. Fences
collected plays: Four English Comedies (Jonson, Congreve, Goldsmith, Sheridan)*





Simplified Books in English

– download here in pdf format


300 words

Level 1 Penguin Readers

Twain, M.             The Adventures of Tom Sawyer      2x

Prince, A.              A Biker’s Ghost

Stewart, P.             Brown Eyes          2x

O’Neill, R.             Dark Streets

O’Henry                The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories

Hawthorne, N.      The House of the Seven Gables

Escott, J.               Prince William

Irving, W.             Rip van Winkle and The Legend of…

Johnson, P.           The Winner


400 words

Stage 1 Oxford Bookworms (Black Series)

Vicary, T.              The Coldest Place on Earth

Vicary, T.              Elephant Man

Border, R.              The Lottery Winner

Akinyemi, R.         Love or Money

Vicary, T.              Mary Queen of Scots*       4x

Jacobs, W. W.     The Monkey’s Paw

Vicary, T.              Mutiny on the Bounty

Bassett, J.             One-way Ticket

Bassett, J.             The President’s Murderer

Akinyemi, R.         Remember Miranda

Vicary, T.              White Death         4x


Level 1 Cambridge English Readers

Leather, S.             The Big Picture

Moses, A.             John Doe              2x

Prouse, Philip      Help!


500 words

Stage 1 Longman Picture Classics

Twain, M.             Huckleberry Finn


Stage 1 Longman Classics

Carroll, L.              Alice in Wonderland

Sewell, A.              Black Beauty

Swan, D.K.            Five Famous Fairy Tales*

Swan, D.K.            King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Swan, D.K.            Robin Hood



600 words

Level 2 Penguin Readers

Schwartz, D.         Baywatch + cass.

Du Maurier, D.     The Birds

Wilde, O.               The Canterville Ghost and The Model Millionaire       2x

Hermes, P.             Fly Away Home + cass.

Lawrence, D.H.    The Fox                 2x

Strasser, T.           Jumanji

Kipling, R.             The Jungle Book                 2x

Tempest, D.          King Arthur and the Knights of the …

Chandler, R.          The Lady in the Lake   2x

Cooper, J.F.          The Last of the Mohicans

Nesbit, E.              The Railway Children

Kipling, R.             The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories

Burnett, F.H.         The Secret Garden

Stevenson, R. L.  Treasure Island + cass.


700 words

Stage 2 Oxford Bookworms (Black Series)

Escott, J.               Agatha Christie – Woman of Mystery

Montgomery, L.M.  Anne of Green Gables

Wilde, O.               The Canterville Ghost

Escott, J.               Dead Man’s Island

Vicary, T.              Death in the Freezer

Hannam, J.            The Death of Karen Silkwood          2x

Wright, R.             Ear – Rings from Frankfurt

Nesbit, E.              Five Children and It

Vicary, T.              Grace Darling

Hardy-Gould,J.     Henry VIII and His Six Wives

Cookson, C.          Matty Doolein

Foreman, P.           The Mystery of Allegra

O Henry                New Yorkers – Short Stories              5x

Border, R.              The Piano

Christopher, J.      Return to Earth

Defoe, R.               Robinson Crusoe

Conan Doyle, A.  Sherlock Holmes – Short Stories

Bennett, A.           Stories from the Five Towns*          2x

Boston, L.M.        A Stranger at Green Knowe

Mark, J.                 Too Old to Rock and Roll and Other St.

Amis, K.                We Are All Guilty

Bassett, J.             William Shakespeare                          2x




750 words

Level 2 Streamline Graded Readers

Viney, P.                Casualty*


(lower-intermediate level)

Level 2 Macmillan Bookshelf

Buckley, P.            The Big Heat


800 words

Level 2 Cambridge English Readers

du Maurier, D.      Don´t Loook Now

Harmer,J.            The Double Mass Mystery

Moses, A.             Jojo’s Story

MacAndrew, R.   Logan’s Choice

Tomlinson, B.       Superbird


900 words

Stage 2 Longman Classics

Chaucer, G.           The Canterbury Tales

Dickens, Ch.         A Christmas Carol               2x

Swift, J.                  Gulliver’s Travels

Twain, M.             The Prince and the Pauper

Irving, W.             Rip van Winkle and Other Stories


1,000 words

Stage 3 Oxford Bookworms (Black Series)

Vicary, T.              The Brontë Story

Vicary, T.              Chemical Secret

Shelley, M.           Frankenstein

Swift, J.                  Gulliver´s Travels

Vicary, T.              Justice

Stevenson, R. L.  Kidnapped

Dibdin, M.            The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

Segal, E, Love Story

Bates, H.E.            Lovely Rose

Cross, G.               On the Edge

Wilde, O.               The Picture of Dorian Gray  2x

Vicary, T.              Skyjack!

Gilbert, H.              The Star Zoo

Poe, E. A.              Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Saki                        Tooth and Claw – Short Stories

Peyton, K.M.        ‘Who, Sir? Me, Sir?’

Bagley, D.             Wyatt’s Hurricane


Stage 1 American Literary Classics

Twain, M.             The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Poe, E. A.              Six Tales of Fear


1,200 words

Level 3 Penguin Readers

Barnes, J. A.         Amistad

Sewell, A.              Black Beauty

Poe, E. A.              The Black Cat and Other Stories

Pile, S.                    The Book of Heroic Failures

Wallace, R.           Braveheart + cass.

Collins, A.             British Life

Westwood, Ch.    Calling All Monsters

Chaucer, G.           The Canterbury Tales

Wyndham, J.        The Chrystalids

Escott, J.                The Climb

Harris, W.              Dangerous Game

Stoker, B.              Dracula

Joyce, J.                Dubliners              3x

Poe, E.A.               The Fall of the House of Usher and other st.

Hardy, Th.            Far from the Madding Crowd

Groom, W.            Forrest Gump

Williams, R.          Great Football Stories: Football Babylon

Mikes, G.               How to be an Alien

Bronte, Ch.           Jane Eyre              3x

Haggard, H. R.     King Solomon’s Mines      2x

Fine, A.                 Madame Doubtfire

Hood, Th. et al.    The Man With Two Shadows and Other Ghost St

Dahl, R.                 Matilda                  2x

Pile, S.                    More Heroic Failures

Woolfe, V.            Mrs Dalloway

Lerner, A. J.          My Fair Lady

Durrell, G.              My Family and Other Animals         3x

Curtis, R.               Notting Hill

Steinbeck, J.          The Pearl

James, H.               The Portrait of a Lady        2x

Gilchrist, Ch.         Princess Diana

Fleischer, L.          Rain Man              2x

Gates, B.                The Road Ahead

Gilchrist, Ch.         The Royal Family                2x

Hodgson Burnett, F.   The Secret Garden

Austen, J.             Sense and Sensibility

Conan Doyle, A.  Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool                2x

Waller, S.              Simply Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet

Bassett, J.             Simply Shakespeare – Hamlet

Gallico, P.              The Snow Goose and Other Stories

Buchan, J.             The Thirty-Nine Steps

James, H.               The Turn of the Screw

Rawling, M.K.      The Yearling


Lower Intermediate level Longman Fiction

Evans, N.              The Horse Whisperer


Stage B Danish Easy Readers

Herriot, J.              If Only They Could Talk*

Dahl, R.                 The Way Up To Heaven and Other Stories


1,300 words

Stage 3 Longman Classics

Twain, M.             The Adventures of Tom Sawyer*

Gray, Ch.               Bob Geldof*

Stevenson, R. L.  Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Heaton, B.             Stories from Shakespeare


Level 3 Cambridge English Readers

Prowse, P.             Double Cross

Campbell, C.         The Ironing Man


1,400 words

Stage 4 Oxford Bookworms (Black Series)

Forester, C.S.        The African Queen

Grisham, J.            The Client

Nabb, M.               Death of an Englishman

Lindop, C.             Doors To a Wider Place

Stevenson, R. L.  Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Escott, J.                Great Crimes

Conan Doyle,A.   The Hound of the Baskervilles

Alcott, Z.M.         Little Women

Conrad, J.              Lord Jim*              2x

Blackmore, R.D.   Lorna Doon

Christie, A.           The Mirror Cracked from Side to Side

Peters, E.               Morbid Taste for Bone

Leroux, G.              The Phantom of the Opera

Wilde, O.               The Picture of Dorian Gray

Francis, D.            Reflex

Eliot, G.                  Silas Marner

McCall Smith        Tears of the Giraffe

Clarke, A. C.         The Songs of Distant Earth – Short Stories

Buchan,J.              The Thirty-Nine Steps       2x

Jerome K. J.          Three Men in a Boat

Lively, P.               The Whispering Knights

Wells, H.G.           The Time Machine

Ransome, A.         We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea


Stage 4 Oxford Bookworms (Green Series)

Swift, J.Gulliver‘s Travels


Grade 1 Oxford Progressive English Readers

Carroll, L.              Alice in Wonderland

Kipling, R.             Just-So Stories


1,500 words

Oxford Alpha Classics

Dickens, Ch.         Hard Times*

Dickens, Ch.         Oliver Twist


Level 5 Streamline

Iggulden, M.        The Sacrifice


1,600 words

Intermediate level Longman Fiction

anthology             Crime Story Collection       2x


Intermediate level Macmillan Readers

Fleming, I.             Goldfinger


1,700 words

Level 4 Penguin Readers

Orwell, G.              1984

Hornby, N.            About a Boy

Beddall, F.             Alexander the Great

Levin, I.                 The Boys from Brazil

Grisham, J.            The Client

Francis, D.            The Danger

Forsyth, F.            The Day of the Jackal         2x

Frank, A.               The Diary of a Young Girl

Mansfield, K.       The Doll’s House and Other Stories               3x

du Maurier, D.      The Dream and Other Stories           2x

Allsop, J.               Elementary Very Short stories

Austen, J.             Emma

Binchy, M.            Evening Class

Chandler, R.          Farewell, My Lovely           2x

Hardy, T.               Far From the Madding Crowd

Holden, W.           The Full Monty

Puzzo, M.              The Godfather

Mitchell, M.          Gone With the Wind 1, 2

Vine, B.                 The House of Stairs

James, M.R.          The Locked Room and Other Horror St

Crichton, M.         The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Curtis, R.               Love Actually

Eliot, G.                  The Mill on the Floss         2x

Theroux, P.           The Mosquito Coast

Shute, N.               On the Beach       2x

Wilde, O.               The Picture of Dorian Gray

Bruno, A.              Seven

Grisham, J.            The Street Lawyer

Grisham, J.            The Street Lawyer

London, J.             White Fang

Evans, D.              Women in Business

Frank, A.              The Diary of a Young Girl – NEW ARRIVAL June 13

Ludlum, R.          The Bourne Identity – NEW ARRIVAL June 13

Bruno, A.             Seven 2x – NEW ARRIVAL June 13

Doyle, A. C.         Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – NEW ARRIVAL June 13


1,800 words

Stage 5 Oxford Bookworms (Black Series)

Tey, J.                      Brat Farrar

Dickens, Ch.           David Copperfield             3x

Dexter, C.              The Dead of Jericho

Paretsky, S.             Deadlock

Christie, A.           Death on the Nile

Dick, P.K.              Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?  2x

Mansfield, K.       The Garden Party and Other Short Stories

Asimov, I.             Ghost Stories

Border, R.              Ghost Stories

Dickens, Ch.         Great Expectations

Doyle, A.C.           The Hound of the Baskervilles

Jhabvala, R. P.      Heat and Dust

Asimov, I.             I, Robot                                3x

Wodehouse, P.G.  Jeeves and Friends

McBain, E.            King’s Ransom

Christie, A.           A Murder is Announced

Grisham, J.            The Partner

Francis, D.            Reflex

Verne, J. Round the world in Eighty Days

West, C.                                Treading on Dreams

Stewart, M.T.       This Rough Magic

Buchan, J.             The Thirty-nine Steps

James, M.R.          The Unquiet Grave

Wells, H.G.           The War of the Worlds

Lively, P.               The Whispering Knight

Bronte, E.              Wuthering Heights


Stage 4 Longman Fiction

Bronte, E.              Jane Eyre


1,900 words

Level 4 Cambridge English Readers

Kershaw, G.          Nothing but the Truth

Naylor, H.             When Summer Comes

2,000 words

Upper Intermediate level Longman Fiction

Hailey, A.              Airport

anthology             British and American Short Stories

Fitzgerald, F.S.     The Great Gatsby

du Maurier, D.      Jamaica Inn

Brontë,  Ch.          Jane Eyre

du Maurier, D.      Rebecca

Verne, J. Round the World in Eighty Days

Conan Doyle, A.  Sherlock Holmes Short Stories

anthology             Stories of Detection and Mystery

Poe, E. A.              Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Dahl, R.                 Taste and Other Tales


Stage C Danish Easy Readers

London, J.             The Call of the Wild*

Dahl, R.                 Edward the Conqueror and Other Stories*

Stevenson, R. L.  Treasure Island*


2,100 words

Grade 2 Oxford Progressive English Readers

Dickens, Ch.         A Christmas Carol

Chesterton, G. K. The Dagger and the Wings and Other Father Brown Stories

Kipling, R.             Jungle Book

O Henry                Life Without Katy and Other Stories

Conrad, J.              Lord Jim

Twain, M.             The Prince and the Pauper

Foulds, D.             Tales of King Arthur


2,300 words

Level 5 Penguin Readers

Scott Fitzgerald, F.    The Baby Party and Other Stories    2x

Mantle, J.              Benetton

Cronin, J.A.          The Citadel

Frazier, Ch.            Cold Mountain    2x

Paretsky, Sara      Deadlock

Paternak, B.          Dr Zhivago

Grisham, J.            The Firm

Curtis, R.               Four Weddings and a Funeral          3x

Border, Rosemary Ghost Stories

Steinbeck, J.          The Grapes of Wrath

Lessing, D.           The Grass is Singing

Doyle, Sir A.C.     The Hound of the Baskervilles

Wells H.G.            The Invisible Man

Hardy, T.               Jude the Obscure

Ellroy, J.               L.A. Confidential

Hardy, Th.             The Mayor of Casterbridge

Gleeson, J.             The Moneymaker

Lamb, Ch.&M.      More Tales from Shakespeare

Kerpouac, J.         On the Road

anthology             Outsanding Short Stories

Grisham, J.            The Pelican Brief                 4x

Austen, J.             Pride and Prejudice

La Plante, L.          Prime Suspect

Hope, A.               The Prisoner of Zenda

Grisham, J.            The Rainmaker

du Maurier, D.      Rebecca

Doyle, Sir A.C.     Sherlock Holmes Stories

Lawrence, D. H.   Sons and Lovers

Bryant, S.              The Story of the Internet

Stevenson, R.L.    The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Dickens, C.           A Tale of Two Cities

Lamb, C.&M.        Tales from Shakespeare

Dahl, R.                 Taste and Other Stories

Highsmith, P.        The Talented Mr Ripley

Grisham, J.            A Time to Kill

anthology             A Twist in the Tale – Five Short Stories

Wells, H.G.           The War of the Worlds

Trollope, A.          The Warden

Wyndham, J.          Web

Bronte, E.                Wuthering Heights           2x

Clarke, A.C.            2001- A Space Odyssea   2x

Ludlum, R.           The Bourne Supremacy – NEW ARRIVAL June 13

Grisham, J.            The Brethen – NEW ARRIVAL June 13

Grisham, J.            The Partner – NEW ARRIVAL June 13


2,400 words

Stage D Danish Easy Readers

anthology                An Anthology of English Humour*


2,500 words

Stage 6 Oxford Bookworms (Black Series)

Escott, J.                 American Crime Stories

Briley, J.   Cry Freedom       2x

Waugh, E.               Decline and Fall

Binchy, M.              Dublin People – Short Stories

Bagley, D.             The Enemy

Brontë,C.                Jane Eyre

Escott, J.               The Fly and Other Horror Stories

Tan, A.                    The Joy Luck Club

Wyndham, J.          Meteor

Dickens, C.             Oliver Twist

Austen, J.               Pride and Prejudice           2x

Hardy, Th.              Tess of the d’Urbervilles 2x


2,800 words

Level 5 Cambridge English Readers

Leather, S.               Death in the Dojo

Moses, A.               Dolphin Music


3,000 words

Level 6 Penguin Readers

Garland, A.              The Beach

Huxley, A.               Brave New World

Gates, B.                  Business& the Speed of Thought

de Bernieres, L.      Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

Paton, A.                 Cry, Beloved Country

Grisham, J.              The Chamber

Watson, J.D.           The Double Helix

Steinbeck, J.           East of Eden

Francis, D.              The Edge

Angelou, M.           I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Chandler, R.            The Long Goodbye

Dahl, R.                    Man from the South and Other Stories

Hugo, V.                  Les Misérables

King, S.                   Misery

Golden, A.              Memoirs of a Geisha

Collins, W.              The Moonstone                                2x

Prescott, Richard   Officially Dead

Dickens, C.              Oliver Twist

Dickens, C.            A Tale of Two Cities

Ishiguro, K.          The Remains of the Day

Forster, E.M.        A Room with a View

Grisham, J.             The Runaway Jury

Collins, M.A.        Saving Private Ryan

Keneally, Th.        Schindler’s List

Guterson, D.         Snow Falling on Cedars

McCullough, C.   The Thorn Birds                  2x

Fielding, H.           Tom Jones

Collins, W.            The Woman in White

Bronte, E.              Wuthering Heights


Advanced level Longman Fiction

Huxley, A.             Brave New World


Stage 3 American Literary Classics

The Autobiography of Mark Twain


3,100 words

Grade 3 Oxford Progressive English Readers

Wilde, O.               The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories

Buck, P.S.              The Good Earth

Dickens, C.           The Pickwick Papers

Crane, S.                The Red Badge of Courage

Eliot, G.                  Silas Marner

Wyatt, H.G.          Stories of Shakespeare’s Plays 2

Foulds, D.             Tales of Crime and Detection


3,700 words

Grade 4 Oxford Progressive English Readers

Hardy, T.               Far from the Madding Crowd

anthology             The Gifts and Other Stories

Wilde, O.               The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wyatt, H.G.          Stories of Shakespeare’s Plays 3

Poe, E. A.              Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Wells, H.G.           The War of the Worlds



3,800 words

Level 6 Cambridge English Readers

Maley, A.        He Knows Too Much

Harmer, J.              Trumpet Voluntary             2x


5,000 words

Grade 5 Oxford Progressive English Readers

Scott Fitzgerald, F. The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Other Stories

Shelley, M.              Frankenstein

Hardy, T.                  The Mayor of Casterbridge

Saki                           The Stalled Ox and Other Stories

Thackeray, W.M.   Vanity Fair


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Gateway to Canada

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In the USA

American Life and Institutions

About Britain

When in Britain


Teach Yourself English: Language, Life & Culture


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In the English-speaking World

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Oxford Bookworms Factfiles series:





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Literature in English: Britain and Ireland

The Wordsworth Companion to Literature in English

Oxford Guide to British and American Culture




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